Results for 'Ruth Alexandra Espinosa Goyeneche'

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  1.  35
    Factores de riesgo psicosocial: conceptualizaciones, referencias e influencia en la deserción escolar.Ruth Alexandra Espinosa Goyeneche, Lilian Alejandra Guzmán Lesmes, Jessica Paola Arguello García, Sehidy Dayana Fula Bohórquez & Carlos Enrique Garavito Ariza - 2018 - Enfoques (Misc.) 2 (2):107.
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    Respect women, promote health and reduce stigma: ethical arguments for universal hepatitis C screening in pregnancy.Marielle S. Gross, Alexandra R. Ruth & Sonja A. Rasmussen - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (10):674-677.
    In the USA, there are missed opportunities to diagnose hepatitis C virus (HCV) in pregnancy because screening is currently risk-stratified and thus primarily limited to individuals who disclose history of injection drug use or sexually transmitted infection risks. Over the past decade, the opioid epidemic has dramatically increased incidence of HCV and a feasible, well-tolerated cure was introduced. Considering these developments, recent evidence suggests universal HCV screening in pregnancy would be cost-effective and several professional organisations have called for updated national (...)
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    Living in the Hospital: The Vulnerability of Children with Chronic Critical Illness.Carrie M. Henderson, Jessica C. Raisanen, Miriam C. Shapiro, Pamela K. Donohue, Renee D. Boss & Alexandra R. Ruth - 2020 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 31 (4):340-352.
    The number of children with chronic critical illness (CCI) is a growing population in the United States. A defining characteristic of this population is a prolonged hospital stay. Our study assessed the proportion of pediatric patients with chronic critical illness in U.S. hospitals at a specific point in time, and identified a subset of children whose hospital stay lasted for months to years. The potential harms of a prolonged hospitalization for children with CCI, which include over treatment, infection, disruption of (...)
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  4.  12
    Conocimiento, justificación y aporía. El problema del Teeteto y su presencia en la epistemología contemporánea.Ruth Marcela Sarmiento Espinosa - 2016 - Revista Filosofía Uis 15 (2):261-279.
    En este artículo se reconstruye el vínculo sistemático entre el tratamiento aporético del conocimiento en el diálogo platónico tardío Teetetos y la definición conceptual del conocimiento en parte de la epistemología analítica contemporánea. A través de dicha vinculación se muestra, por una parte, la presencia de los problemas presentados por Platón en la epistemología actual, así como la persistencia de la aporía del dialogo en cuestión. Con ello, se pretende también iluminar desde una clave histórica aspectos esenciales del debate epistemológico (...)
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    Inferencia no demostrativa y causalidad: Russell y el problema de Hume.Ruth M. Espinosa Sarmiento - 2015 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 42:27-42.
    En este artículo se abordan las perspectivas de David Hume y Bertrand Rus-sell en tormo dos asuntos estrechamente vinculados, a saber, el problema de la justificación de la inferencia no demostrativa y de la validez del principio de causalidad, ambos configu-ran el así llamado “problema de Hume”. Desde una perspectiva analítica y comparativa, se intenta mostrar que a pesar de la lectura fuertemente crítica que Russell adopta respecto del filósofo escocés, ambos filósofos comparten en cierta medida un programa filosófico común. (...)
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    (1 other version)Testimony and intellectual virtues in Hume’s epistemology.Ruth M. Espinosa - 2019 - Trans/Form/Ação 42 (4):29-46.
    : In this paper, I consider some issues concerning Hume’s epistemology of testimony. I’ll particularly focus on the accusation of reductivism and individualism brought by scholars against Hume’s view on testimonial evidence, based on the tenth section of his An enquiry concerning human understanding. I first explain the arguments against Hume’s position, and address some replies in the literature in order to offer an alternative interpretation concerning the way such a defense should go. My strategy is closely connected with Hume’s (...)
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  7. The value of testimonial-based beliefs in the face of AI-generated quasi-testimony.Felipe Alejandro Álvarez Osorio & Ruth Marcela Espinosa Sarmiento - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (Especial):25-38.
    The value of testimony as a source of knowledge has been a subject of epistemological debates. The "trust theory of testimony" suggests that human testimony is based on an affective relationship supported by social norms. However, the advent of generative artificial intelligence challenges our understanding of genuine testimony. The concept of "quasi-testimony" seeks to characterize utterances produced by non-human entities that mimic testimony but lack certain fundamental attributes. This article analyzes these issues in depth, exploring philosophical perspectives on testimony and (...)
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  8.  35
    Decolonial Feminism in Latin America: An Essential Anthology.Yuderkys Espinosa Miñoso & Ruth Pión - 2022 - Hypatia 37 (3):470-477.
  9.  63
    Sobre Bíos y Éthos. Un enfoque contemporáneo.Urbano Ferrer, Arantza Etxeberria, Álvaro Moreno, Ruth García Chico, José Luis González Recio, Luciano Espinosa Rubio, Begoña ROMÁN, Margarita Boladeras, Juan B. Fuentes & Natalia S. GARCÍA PÉREZ - 2007 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 40:3.
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    Ruth Boeker, Catharine Trotter Cockburn (Cambridge Elements: Women in the History of Philosophy), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023, 74 pp.Alexandra Bacalu - 2024 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 13 (2):154-157.
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  11. White Queen Psychology and Other Essays for Alice.Ruth Garrett Millikan - 1993 - MIT Press.
    This collection of essays serves both as an introduction to Ruth Millikan’s much-discussed volume Language, Thought, and Other Biological Categories and as an extension and application of Millikan’s central themes, especially in the philosophy of psychology. The title essay discusses meaning rationalism and argues that rationality is not in the head, indeed, that there is no legitimate interpretation under which logical possibility and necessity are known a priori. In other essays, Millikan clarifies her views on the nature of mental (...)
  12. On Clear and Confused Ideas: An Essay About Substance Concepts.Ruth Garrett Millikan - 2000 - Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Written by one of today's most creative and innovative philosophers, Ruth Garrett Millikan, this book examines basic empirical concepts; how they are acquired, how they function, and how they have been misrepresented in the traditional philosophical literature. Millikan places cognitive psychology in an evolutionary context where human cognition is assumed to be an outgrowth of primitive forms of mentality, and assumed to have 'functions' in the biological sense. Of particular interest are her discussions of the nature of abilities as (...)
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  13. Language, Thought, and Other Biological Categories.Ruth Millikan - 1984 - Behaviorism 14 (1):51-56.
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    (1 other version)Charles Taylor.Ruth Abbey (ed.) - 2000 - Cambridge: Routledge.
    Charles Taylor is one of the most influential and prolific philosophers in the English-speaking world today. The breadth of his writings is unique, ranging from reflections on artificial intelligence to analyses of contemporary multicultural societies. This thought-provoking introduction to Taylor's work outlines his ideas in a coherent and accessible way without reducing their richness and depth. His contribution to many of the enduring debates within Western philosophy is examined and the arguments of his critics assessed. Taylor's reflections on the topics (...)
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  15.  12
    The ascent of affect: genealogy and critique.Ruth Leys - 2017 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    In recent years, emotions have become a major, vibrant topic of research not merely in the biological and psychological sciences but throughout a wide swath of the humanities and social sciences as well. Yet, surprisingly, there is still no consensus on their basic nature or workings. Ruth Leys’s brilliant, much anticipated history, therefore, is a story of controversy and disagreement. The Ascent of Affect focuses on the post–World War II period, when interest in emotions as an object of study (...)
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  16.  64
    Utopia as method: the imaginary reconstruction of society.Ruth Levitas - 2013 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In this major new work by one of the leading writers on Utopian Studies, Ruth Levitas argues that a prospective future of ecological and economic crises poses a challenge to the utopian imaginary, to conceive a better world and alternative future. Utopia as Method does not construe utopia as goal or blueprint, but as a holistic, reflexive method for developing what those possible futures might be. It begins by treating utopia as the quest for grace, through a hermeneutics that (...)
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  17. Hypocrisy and Integrity: Machiavelli, Rousseau, and the Ethics of Politics.Ruth Weissbourd Grant - 1997 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Questioning the usual judgements of political ethics, Ruth W. Grant argues that hypocrisy can actually be constructive while strictly principled behavior can be destructive. _Hypocrisy and Integrity_ offers a new conceptual framework that clarifies the differences between idealism and fanaticism while it uncovers the moral limits of compromise. "Exciting and provocative.... Grant's work is to be highly recommended, offering a fresh reading of Rousseau and Machiavelli as well as presenting a penetrating analysis of hypocrisy and integrity."—Ronald J. Terchek, _American (...)
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  18.  27
    Feminist Interpretations of John Rawls.Ruth Abbey (ed.) - 2013 - University Park, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press.
    In _Feminist Interpretations of John Rawls_, Ruth Abbey collects eight essays responding to the work of John Rawls from a feminist perspective. An impressive introduction by the editor provides a chronological overview of English-language feminist engagements with Rawls from his Theory of Justice onwards. She surveys the range of issues canvassed by feminist readers of Rawls, as well as critics’ wide disagreement about the value of Rawls’s corpus for feminist purposes. The eight essays that follow testify to the continuing (...)
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  19.  52
    The Sceptical Challenge.Ruth Weintraub - 1996 - New York: Routledge.
    Do we really know the things we think we know? Are any of our beliefs reasonable? Scepticism gives a pessimistic reply to these important epistemological questions - we don't know anything; none of our beliefs are reasonable. But can such a seemingly paradoxical claim be more than an intellectual curiousity? And if it is, can it be refuted? Ruth Weintraub answers yes to both these questions. The sceptical challenge is a formidable one, and should be confronted, not dismissed. The (...)
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  20.  21
    Gersonides: A Portrait of a Fourteenth-Century Philosopher-Scientist.Ruth Glasner - 2015 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Gersonides was a highly original Jewish philosopher, scientist, and biblical exegete, active in Provence in the first half of the fourteenth century. Ruth Glasner explores his impressive achievements, and argues that the key to understanding his originality is his perspective as an applied mathematical scientist.
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  21.  81
    The turn to affect: A critique.Ruth Leys - 2011 - Critical Inquiry 37 (3):434-472.
  22.  40
    A defense of fundamental principles and human rights: A reply to Robert Baker.Ruth Macklin - 1998 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 8 (4):403-422.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Defense of Fundamental Principles and Human Rights: A Reply to Robert Baker *Ruth Macklin (bio)AbstractThis article seeks to rebut Robert Baker’s contention that attempts to ground international bioethics in fundamental principles cannot withstand the challenges posed by multiculturalism and postmodernism. First, several corrections are provided of Baker’s account of the conclusions reached by the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments. Second, a rebuttal is offered to Baker’s (...)
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  23.  51
    William Morris: Art, Work, and Leisure.Ruth Kinna - 2000 - Journal of the History of Ideas 61 (3):493-512.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 61.3 (2000) 493-512 [Access article in PDF] William Morris: Art, Work, and Leisure Ruth Kinna William Morris's most important contribution to British socialist thought is often said to be his elaboration of a plan for the socialist future. E. P. Thompson, for example, argued that Morris was "a pioneer of constructive thought as to the organization of socialist life within Communist society." (...)
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  24. The Right Not to Know: A Challenge for Accurate Self-Assessment.Ruth F. Chadwick - 2004 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 11 (4):299-301.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 11.4 (2004) 299-301 [Access article in PDF] The Right Not to Know: A Challenge for Accurate Self-Assessment Ruth F. Chadwick Anderson and Lux present a very interesting and thought-provoking argument for the view that accurate self-assessment is a requirement for personal autonomy. What I want to suggest is that although this may be helpful in the context with which these authors are primarily concerned, (...)
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  25.  16
    Kropotkin: Reviewing the Classical Anarchist Tradition.Ruth Kinna - 2016 - Edinburgh University Press.
    This book provides a re-assessment of Kropotkin's political thought and suggests that the 'classical' tradition which has provided a lens for the discussion of his work has had a distorting effect on the interpretation of his ideas. By setting the analysis of his thought in a number of key historical contexts, Ruth Kinna reveals the enduring significance of his political thought and questions the usefulness of those approaches to the history of ideas that map historical changes to philosophical and (...)
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  26.  26
    Linguistics and Aphasia: Psycholinguistic and Pragmatic Aspects of Intervention.Ruth Lesser & Lesley Milroy - 1993 - Routledge.
    _Linguistics and Aphasia_ is a major study of recent developments in applying psycholinguistics and pragmatics to the study of acquired language disorders and their remediation. Psycholinguistic analyses of aphasia interpret disorders in terms of damaged modules and processes within what was once a normal language system. These analyses have progressed to the point that they now routinely provide a model-based rationalefor planning patient therapy. Through a series of case studies, the authors show how the psycholinguistic analysis of aphasia can be (...)
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  27.  45
    Enemies of patients.Ruth Macklin - 1993 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    A young man, terminally ill and in extreme suffering, asks to be removed from life support, requesting morphine first so he'll be asleep when the machine stops. His physician agrees, but the hospital's chief administrator intervenes, arguing that the morphine might itself cause death, leaving the physician open to criminal indictment for murder. To placate the administrator, the doctor and patient reach a grim compromise: life support will be disconnected first, and only after manifest signs of suffering appear will the (...)
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  28.  95
    William Morris: The Art of Socialism.Ruth Kinna - 2000 - University of Wales Press.
    For many years, William Morris’s utopian novel, _News From Nowhere_, has been considered a socialist classic. In it, he describes a future society in which poverty and hardship have been overcome and where individuals are free to express their creativity. For many readers it has been an inspirational text but, at the same time, scholars have openly admitted that the society it describes is impractical. Indeed, in recent years, writers and politicians sympathetic to Morris’s socialism have tended to defend the (...)
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  29. The truth about narrative, or: How does narrative matter?Ruth Ronen & Efrat Biberman - 2006 - Philosophy and Literature 30 (1):118-139.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Truth about Narrative, Or:How Does Narrative Matter?Ruth Ronen and Efrat BibermanIn the summer of 1898, a sixteen-year-old girl, intelligent and good looking, entered Freud's clinic in Vienna. The girl, whom Freud would call Dora, suffered recurrent attacks of aphonia (inability to speak) and of coughing, attacks that came on and passed off spontaneously. Freud soon discovers that Dora's illness is connected to the love affair her father (...)
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  30. The Articulated Life: An Interview with Charles Taylor.Ruth Abbey - 2001 - Philosophy of Management 1 (3):3-9.
    Charles Taylor is one of the most prolific and wide-ranging philosophers in the English-speaking world today. He writes with authority in the fields of moral theory, political philosophy, theories of language, the history of western thought, epistemology and hermeneutics.1 Currently an Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at McGill University, he has enjoyed a distinguished academic career which includes being Chichele Professor of Social and Political Theory at Oxford University. He has also been active and influential in the politics of his native (...)
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    Biography of an Idea.Ruth Nanda Anshen - 1987 - Moyer Bell.
    A portrait of the development of the author's philosophy includes philosophical discussions with intellectuals such as Paul Tillich, Erich Fromm, Albert Einstein, and Hannah Arendt.
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    Reflections.Ruth Behar, Björn Vikström, Hannu Salmi & Ruth Illman - 2011 - Approaching Religion 1 (2):54-61.
    This final section presents a literary excerpt and three personal reflections on the theme of Aboagora, as well as on the experience of taking part in Aboagora. It opens with a story written by Ruth Behar, dealing with her personal experience of mastering the English language. Professor Behar read this story as an artistic comment within a workshop entitled ‘Between Art and Research: Rethinking Professional Borderlands’, which dealt with the experiences of people who combine an academic professional career with (...)
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  33. Fenomenologia y Fisica en Husserl, Weyl y Neelamkavil: Materia-Campo basado en Extensión-Cambio.Ruth Castillo - 2020 - Dissertation, Universidad de Alicante
    FENOMENOLOGIA Y FISICA EN HUSSERL, WEYL Y NEELAMKAVIL: MATERIA-CAMPO BASADO EN EXTENSIÓN-CAMBIO Castillo Ochoa, Ruth Transferencias Interculturales e Históricas de la Europa Medieval Mediterránea RESUMEN La historia de la terminología científica posibilita dar cuenta de 'cambios lingüísticos' o contingencia de términos en Ciencia. La Fenomenología de Husserl resulta un marco filosófico completo para elucidar significados en terminología científica enfatizando el carácter a priori de conceptos fundacionales, su aspecto contingente (lenguaje), intersubjetividad, sujeto transcendental y epojé. En tal sentido, soportar las (...)
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  34. Symmetry in Physics: Proportion and Harmony to the term of Metalanguage.Ruth Castillo - 2018 - Dissertation, Universidad Central de Venezuela
    SYMMETRY IN PHYSICS: FROM PROPORTION AND HARMONY TO THE TERM OF METALENGUAJE -/- Ruth Castillo Universidad Central de Venezuela -/- The revolutionary changes in physics require a careful exploration of the way in which concepts depend on the theoretical structure in which they are immerse. A historical reconstruction allows us to show how the notion of symmetry evolves from the definition as proportion and harmony to its consideration within the language of contemporary physics, as a linguistic meta-theoretical requirement in (...)
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  35.  9
    The Encyclodpedia of Applied Ethics.Ruth Chadwick (ed.) - 2012 - Elsevier.
    The Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics, Second Edition, Four Volume Set addresses both the physiological and the psychological aspects of human behavior. Carefully crafted, well written, and thoroughly indexed, the encyclopedia helps users - whether they are students just beginning formal study of the broad field or specialists in a branch of psychology - understand the field and how and why humans behave as we do. The work is an all-encompassing reference providing a comprehensive and definitive review of the field. A (...)
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    Writing the Terrorist Self: The Unspeakable Alterity of Italy's Female Perpetrators.Ruth Glynn - 2009 - Feminist Review 92 (1):1-18.
    This paper examines texts written by, or in collaboration with, female ex-members of the Italian left-wing armed organization, the Red Brigades. The corpus differs from male-authored or male-centred texts in that issues relating to identity and selfhood lie at the very heart of the project of narrating the terrorist past; the primary concern of Italian women's post-terrorist narration is not to narrate the experience of belonging to an armed organization, but to construct a new identity distinct from a pre-existing self (...)
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  37. Wholes, parts, form and powers: Dave Elder-Vass: The causal power of social structures: Emergence, structure and agency. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010, 240pp, US $85.00 HB.Ruth Porter Groff - 2011 - Metascience 21 (2):399-402.
    Wholes, parts, form and powers Content Type Journal Article Category Book Review Pages 1-4 DOI 10.1007/s11016-011-9585-6 Authors Ruth Porter Groff, Department of Political Science, Saint Louis University, 3750 Lindell Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63108-3412, USA Journal Metascience Online ISSN 1467-9981 Print ISSN 0815-0796.
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  38.  13
    Guru to the world: the life and legacy of Vivekananda.Ruth Harris - 2022 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
    Guru to the World tells the story of Swami Vivekananda, the nineteenth-century Hindu ascetic who introduced the West to yoga and to a tolerant, scientifically minded universalist conception of religion. Ruth Harris explores the many legacies of Vivekananda's thought, including his impact on anticolonial movements and contemporary Hindu nationalism.
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    Rethinking Economics and Education: Exponential Growth and Post‐Growth Strategies.Ruth Irwin - 2017 - Educational Theory 67 (4):379-398.
    Education is increasingly vocational and structured to serve the ongoing exponential increase in economic growth. Climate change is an outcome of these same economic values and praxes. Attempts to shift these values and our approach to technology are continually absorbed and overcome by the pressing motif of economic growth. In this article, Ruth Irwin uses Martin Heidegger's concept of the technological enframing of modernity to view economic growth. John Maynard Keynes's notion of economic growth has impacted the pace of (...)
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  40.  19
    (1 other version)A Language of its Own: Sense and Meaning in the Making of Western Art Music.Ruth Katz - 2010 - University of Chicago Press.
    The Western musical tradition has produced not only music, but also countless writings about music that remain in continuous—and enormously influential—dialogue with their subject. With sweeping scope and philosophical depth, _A Language of Its Own_ traces the past millennium of this ongoing exchange. Ruth Katz argues that the indispensible relationship between intellectual production and musical creation gave rise to the Western conception of music. This evolving and sometimes conflicted process, in turn, shaped the art form itself. As ideas entered (...)
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  41.  6
    The Arts in Mind: Pioneering Texts of a Coterie of British Men of Letters.Ruth Katz & Ruth HaCohen - 2003 - Transaction.
    Amajor shift in critical attitudes toward the arts took place in the eighteenth century. The fine arts were now looked upon as a group, divorced from the sciences and governed by their own rules. The century abounded with treatises that sought to establish the overriding principles that differentiate art from other walks of life as well as the principles that differentiate them from each other. This burst of scholarly activity resulted in the incorporation of aesthetics among the classic branches of (...)
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    The discursive march of thought: an interdisciplinary roadmap.Ruth Katz - 2015 - Mamaroneck, NY: Israel academic press.
    Once shunned, interdisciplinarity has now become fashionable-but badly in need of unpacking. The transfer of ideas from one field to another requires full understanding of the ways in which they are used and understood, where they come from and where they are going. This book calls attention to certain linguistic tools that served scholars in the past and that are still relevant today-if properly employed. It offers a roadmap that inter-relates problems within and between the sciences-human and natural. Throughout, the (...)
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  43.  4
    Tuning the Mind: Connecting Aesthetics to Cognitive Science.Ruth Katz & Ruth Ha Cohen - 2003 - Transaction Publishers.
    Starting from the late Renaissance, efforts to make vocal music more expressive heightened the power of words, which, in turn, gave birth to the modern semantics of musical expression. As the skepticism of seventeenth-century science divorced the acoustic properties from the metaphysical qualities of music, the door was opened to dicern the rich links between musical perception and varied mental faculties. In Tuning the Mind, Ruth Katz and Ruth HaCohen trace how eighteenth century theoreticians of music examined anew (...)
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    Cioran, Eliade, Ionesco: l'oubli du fascisme : trois intellectuels roumains dans la tourmente du siècle.Alexandra Laignel-Lavastine - 2002 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Pour ceux qui s'interrogent sur le fascisme d'Emil Cioran ou plus encore de Mircea Eliade, ce livre dissipera les derniers doutes. Loin du péché de jeunesse, on y découvrira, à partir d'écrits politiques inédits en français et d'archives jusque-là inexploitées, l'ampleur du plaidoyer antisémite et ultranationaliste porté par ces deux intellectuels aujourd'hui mondialement célèbres... mais aussi leur obstination à camoufler, voire à recycler après 1945, une filiation idéologique pourtant indispensable à l'intelligence des œuvres de la maturité. De cet " oubli (...)
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    Dynamic Encounters between Buddhism and the West Report.Laura Langone & Alexandra S. Ilieva - 2022 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 42 (1):393-394.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Dynamic Encounters between Buddhism and the West ReportLaura Langone and Alexandra S. IlievaThe following is a summary of the 2021 Postgraduate Conference titled "Dynamic Encounters between Buddhism and the West," which took place online on June 28 and 29. The conference was conceptualized, organized, and run by three AHRC funded PhD students at the University of Cambridge: Laura Langone (Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages); Alexandra S. (...)
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    Cloning without Prior Approval: A Response to Recent Disclosures of Noncompliance.Ruth Macklin - 1995 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 5 (1):57-60.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Cloning without Prior Approval:A Response to Recent Disclosures of NoncomplianceRuth Macklin (bio)Editor's note: In September 1994, the Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal published a special issue on the ethics of embryo splitting or "cloning," which included papers originally prepared for a workshop on embryo splitting sponsored by the National Advisory Board on Ethics in Reproduction (NABER) and NABER's report, Human Cloning through Embryo Splitting. The impetus for the project (...)
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    Flourishing thought: democracy in an age of data hoards.Ruth Austin Miller - 2016 - Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
    Challenging the posthumanist canon which celebrates the pre-eminence of matter, Ruth Miller, inFlourishingThoughtargues that what nonhuman systems contribute to democracy is thought. Drawing on recent feminist theories of nonhuman life and politics, Miller shows that reproduction and flourishing are not antithetical to contemplation and sensitivity. After demonstrating processes of life and processes of thought are indistinguishable, Miller finds that four menacing accumulations of matter and information--global surveillance, stored embryos, human clones, and reproductive trash--are politically productive rather than threats to (...)
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    INTERVIEW: Gedacht wird in der Welt, nicht im Kopf.Ruth G. Millikan, Markus Wild & Martin Lenz - 2010 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 58 (6):981-1000.
    This interview deals with the major themes in the work of Ruth Millikan. Her most fundamental idea is that the intentionality of inner and outer representations can be understood in analogy to biological functions. Another innovative feature is the view that thought and language stand parallel to each other. Thirdly, the basic ideas concerning the ontology and the epistemology of concepts are explained. Millikan aims at clarifying her position by contrasting it with Dretske, Fodor, Sellars, and Brandom. Finally, the (...)
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    Sanja Ivekovic: Triangle.Ruth Noack - 2013 - Afterall Books.
    Focusing on the genesis of the work, its documetnation and the politics of canon construction, Ruth Noack discusses Triangle in relation to conceptualism, perfromance and the position of women in Tito's Yugoslavia.
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    Art Before the Law: Aesthetics and Ethics.Ruth Ronen - 2014 - University of Toronto Press.
    Ever since Plato expelled the poets from his ideal state, the ethics of art has had to confront philosophy's denial of art's morality. In Art before the Law, Ruth Ronen proposes a new outlook on the ethics of art by arguing that art insists on this tradition of denial, affirming its singular ethics through negativity. Ronen treats the mechanism of negation as the basis for the relationship between art and ethics. She shows how, through moves of denial, resistance, and (...)
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